Remote Condition Monitoring Benefits

23 May 24

Why are rail operators investing in cloud-based Remote Condition Monitoring (RCM) systems? 
RCM enables railroads to be proactive about rail maintenance while making the most efficient use of human resources – rail engineers and maintenance teams spend more time solving operational issues and less time filling out forms or travelling between remote sites.  

By capturing large amounts of data which can be distilled into actionable insights, RCM vastly improves the visibility of rail assets, helping to optimize asset performance and to resolve common operational issues such as delays caused by switch failure. 
Here are the top five reasons railroads are adopting Remote Condition Monitoring across their networks. 

1. Improved Reliability, Efficiency, and Performance  

RCM technology enables railroads to monitor asset performance, identify faults, and predict failures before they happen. Having a detailed understanding of how well an asset is performing, is key to being able to make strategic, data-based decisions which not only reduce the likelihood of accidents or incidents, but also facilitate a more strategic asset maintenance schedule across the entire lifecycle.  Fewer equipment breakdowns equate to fewer trains idling waiting for repairs and improved overall efficiency. 

2.  Expedite Failure Investigations 

RCM software is a powerful data-driven failure investigation tool, providing railroad engineers with the information they need to track down the cause of malfunctions quickly, reducing delays and time to repair, as well as delivering practical insights to prevent the same issues arising again.  

3. Off-site Maintenance: Better use of Staff Time 

Railroads can remotely monitor and evaluate asset performance before arriving onsite. manage non safety critical maintenance, reducing the need for site visits and the costs associated with physical inspections. This frees up rail maintenance workers for tasks which better utilize their skill sets. 

4. Enhance Rail Safety 

RCM improves rail safety for rail workers and passengers. Maintenance workers spend less time on site visits, while both staff and passengers benefit from a shift to a system which alerts rail operators to issues before they cause problems. For example, RCM improves grade crossing safety by enabling rail companies to strategically prioritize spending on crossing improvements and maintenance. 

5. Lower Operating Costs 

In a highly competitive market, RCM helps rail companies reduce operating costs by: 

  • Reducing delays caused by unexpected equipment malfunctions 

  • Improving fuel efficiency (less trains idling, waiting for repairs) 

  • Optimizing rail asset performance and efficiency 

  • Ensuring rail workers are deployed where they are most needed 

  • Reducing travel time and time spent on site 

  • Improving the efficacy of support through condition-based maintenance 

Considering the millions of dollars spent on rail maintenance each year, it’s inevitable that demand will continue to increase for rail technology which delivers more efficient, cost-effective asset management. 

Find out more about Remote Condition Monitoring. Download our brochure. 
Tracsis is the leading provider of software-based rail solutions, trusted by railroads in North America including Class I, passenger, and short line operators. Contact us.